I am a thirty-something (newly turned 31) fairly fit, admittedly lazy, former athlete with an appetite that could rival that of a 21 year old frat boy. Did I mention I'm barely 5'2? Not a whole lot of room for any extra pounds, without being mistaken for a weeble. I'm an HPE (that's Health & Phys Ed) teacher, so I should be able to develop my own workouts, but I have a little problem w/motivation. I've always been active (in HS I ran cross-country, swam, dove, played hoops & softball and I played collegiate water polo), but much prefer the competition/camaraderie that goes along w/athletics to "working out". As a "grown up", I have run (at one point running 20-30 miles per week), swam, lifted, roller-bladed, sweated away w/Billy Blanks' Tae Bo, dabbled in a little Yoga, swore at Mya doing Yourself Fitness for PS2, got my groove on with DDR, and tried the gym, all while packing on a few extra pounds. Fast forward to now and a late night infomercial on P90X. I'm sold (that's not saying much....if I wasn't too lazy to get off the couch to get a credit card, I would probably own everything RonCo sells-I'm gullible like that)! My husband's best friend had recently given it a shot and had a favorable review, so $148 later (w/the oh-so reasonable shipping/handling fees) here we are...
It seemed like the perfect fit-an at home workout for those who are already reasonably fit, as most of the at home options are for those for whom just getting off the couch and getting another beer out of the frig is a workout. I checked out a number of blogs before starting and very few seemed to fit "me", so I thought I'd blog and track my experience w/P90X day-by-painful-day. Here we go!
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