Saturday, October 17, 2009

Take THREE: Days 19-28

DAY 19: Bis, Tris, & Shoulders; Ab Ripper X

Finally back into the groove of working out in the am! It feels so good to have my workout done before work. I tried to challenge myself w/heavier weights this time; we'll see if I feel any difference. I saved Ab Ripper for after work; I'm finding I get a better work out w/it this way. It's feeling so much easier; I'm amazed at how out of shape I'd gotten since last time!

DAY 20: Run

Just an easy 3+ mile jog. Nothing special.

DAY 21: Yoga X

Yoga?! On a Saturday NIGHT?! Bummer. I feel like a broken record, but 90 minutes is a LONG time. This is starting to feel easier and I (think) I'm going deeper in most of the poses. I did the extra push up between Upward Dog and Downward Dog every time.

DAY 22: Run

I planned to go for a longer run today, but I made it about 3 miles before I had some intense (so bad I was contemplating flagging down a car to take me home-I had to stop and sit on the side of the road for about 5 minutes until the intensity subsided so I could make it home!) cramping, so I ended up having to walk the remaining close to 2 miles home. I was so disappointed cause I'd been feeling so good and looking forward to getting a little more mileage in. Bummer.

DAY 23: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
What a way to start a Monday morning! I still think Wall Sits SUCK, but, other than that, this workout isn't that bad. I did not use weights on the optional exercises, but I will have to next time. Still no bands, so I did crappy push ups. Ab Ripper in the evening again with great results!

DAY 24: Run
I enjoyed a surprisingly dry am run (I'd been anticipated a wet rainy cold run). My hamstring felt a little tight, so I nixed the intervals I'd planned to do and went w/a straight 3+ miles jog.

DAY 25: Kenpo X
I couldn't make myself push play in the morning, despite the fact I was in my workout clothes and had the DVD in the DVD player, so I had to do this after work. I have no problems w/this workout. I'm not a huge fan of the first set, but it's over quickly and I'm on the next one. In fact, this whole workout seems to be over before I know it...

DAY 26: Run
I found it much easier to get myself out the door at 5 am knowing that tomorrow would be a day OFF! Same old, same old: 3+ miles.

I love that my day of rest rotates and falls on a different day of the week. It fell on a Friday, this cycle, and that was a super end to the work week. (Though, I did feel as though I SHOULD be working out!)

DAY 28: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Just completed this workout (just in time for kick off at the ND-USC game!). I finally remembered to snag some bands and I used them instead of doing pull ups. I like that A LOT better. I'm hoping I feel it long as I do, I'll continue to use the bands (I do need a heavier resistance, though, I think). I haven't done Ab Ripper yet, but I will after the game. I did at least 20 of each type of push up (save Diamond and Dive Bomber-10 of them) the first rung and between 25-30 the second.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

TAKE THREE-Days 16 & 17

DAY 17: Plyo

Once again, I did NOT workout before work (I had something REALLY important to do....catch up Gossip Girl and Greek on the DVR...) meaning I was dreading the end of the day and having to work out. It wasn't that bad though. This DVD is sticking in the warm up (and I realized last time I must have just forwarded from where it skipped cause I had forgotten about all the lunges and squats in the WARM UP), but I got it past where it skips. Actually, I just realized, I DID attempt to do this in the am: I pressed play, started the warm up, it froze and I decided it was the universe's way of telling me to sit back down and watch TV! I did fairly well, though I didn't really give my all on the stupid Rock Star Jumps and I still am only doing 15 secs per leg on the last 1 minute exercise.

DAY 18: Run

A little over 3 miles in the break from the wind and rain Mother Nature was so gracious as to provide for me! Best part? It was BEFORE work, so I'm back on track!

TAKE THREE-Days13, 14, & 15


YEAH; a day off (though I really feel like I *need* to do something)!

DAY 14: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

We spent the weekend camping at a family reunion (so may day off couldn't have fallen at a better time!) and I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. After we get home/unpacked, the last thing I want to do is push ups and pull ups...I debate taking a second day off (one for the P90X cycle + 1 for the cardio cycle). I even SAY I'm going to take 2 days off. Then, I pushed play. And it wasn't that bad. I did at least 20 of all of the push ups and 10 of the pull ups (w/at least 1 more the second round than I did the first). Ab Ripper X actually felt really good!

DAY 15: Run

I was up most of the night in pain, so I did not get my run in before work. On a Monday. Ugh. However, I did make myself go after dinner and this was the first run that DIDN'T suck in a long time. Good stuff!

TAKE THREE-Days 10, 11, & 12


Just over 3 miles. Nothing special. Wasn't fun.


I still really like this workout. It seems to go very quickly for me. I'm not a fan of the very first series, but after that's over I really *enjoy* it. I'm always sore from it, as well (arms & back, especially).

Another crappy run for me...just over 3 miles.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take THREE-Days 8 & 9


Just a nice easy 3 mile-ish jog this morning. I didn't feel too bad, but I didn't feel great, either.

DAY 9: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

This is always a tough workout for me! I hate *lifting* legs (cause it HURTS and it's where I need to focus :) !) and, of course, I'm not a fan of pull ups. No band yet, so I'm still using the cheater chair for pull ups.

This was the first day (this cycle) that I waited to do Ab Ripper until after work and it was much easier this time! Woot woot!

Take THREE-Days 6 & 7


Wow. I was DRENCHED with sweat 2o minutes into this workout. I forgot just how challenging the first 45 minutes are! I was as sweaty as if I'd just run 3 miles and our house was 66 degrees! This is a great workout, but I still hate that it's 90 minutes; that's a big committment!


I ran just over 3 miles, again, today, this time incorporating hills into my run. It was not fun.

Take THREE-Days 4 & 5

DAY 5: Arms & Ab Ripper

I still think this is the *easiest* day. My only issue w/this continues to be my own: the use of selectorize weights is a big fan pain between exercises.

Once again, Ab Ripper SUCKED!

DAY 4: Running

I jogged just over 3 miles before work. It wasn't the best run ever, but it's over!

Take THREE-Days 2 & 3

DAY 2: Jogging

I ran a little over 3 miles, completing intervals. I *sprinted* the short sections and jogged the long sections for a total of just over 3 miles. I'm already feeling pretty sore in my chest, back, and abs! I didn't dread this run, as I've been dreading my runs lately, so that's a good sign!

DAY 3: Plyometrics

I love this workout! It's def tough, but I enjoy the variety and the way it's set up. Like Tony says, I can do anything for 30 seconds! The only move that I really don't like is the Rock Star Jumps...which is kind of weird, since I like to imagine myself as a rock star! Old habits die hard, I still only do 15 seconds per leg on the last 1 minute move!

P90X-Take THREE!

I've decided to try P90X yet again, with a twist. Though I truly don't enjoy running, it's something I feel I need to do to be fit. Plyo and kenpo just don't seem to be enough cardio for me. However, I went back to all running (w/some weight training thrown it, too) and it just wasn't enough either. So, I've decided to try alternating running and P90X daily and see how that works out for me! Here we go:

DAY 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

Wow. I forgot how much I loathe pull ups. The push ups were ok, but I just don't like pull ups. I think I'm going to get a band and try using that instead of pull ups (I have lost strength, though; it's all I can do to do ONE pull up!). The push ups were tough, but doable. I think I did at least 20 of each variety, save the diamond and under the fence versions (10 each).

I've also lost a lot of core strength, apparently, cause Ab Ripper was not fun, either!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 66, DAY 67, DAY 68, DAy 69, & DAY 70*

DAYS 66, 67, & 68:* Yoga, Legs & Back, Kenpo

I was a big fat quitter.  I've been fighting this chest/coughing thing for close to 3 weeks on top of feeling fat and gross and like this wasn't working (and on top of being on vacation staying w/cousins in a small apartment and not feeling like doing 90 min of Yoga there).  So, I quit.  However, a quitter I am not and I'm back on the horse.  I've decided to mark this attempt w/an "*" and pick up as if I've never those 3 days and I'll tack those 3 on to the end of the 90 days.

DAY 69:  Rest
This is where I picked back up :)

DAY 70:  Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

I felt a little better about being a big fat slacker after I threw up, again, mid workout.  I managed to finish, but it let me know my body needed (and probably still needs) a break.  I'm on all kinds of meds (steroids, antibiotics, nasal aspirator, hydrocodone cough syrup) and I still can't kick this!  BUT, I DID IT!  I also already did Ab Ripper, so I'm done for the day and happy to be back on the wagon (yet not looking forward to Plyo....).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 64 & DAY 65

DAY 64:  Plyo

I knew this was going to be hellish.  It's been close to 2 weeks since I've experienced any sort of restful sleep & I was going to be doing this at 5 in the morning, after the 9th night of mere minutes of sleep.  However, we were headed on a road trip directly from work, so it was neither now or never.  And never wasn't an option!

So, I did it!  It was not pretty and I felt as though I'd practically coughed up a lung (why why why would anyone smoke?!), but I did it.

DAY 65:  Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

We're on vacation and I still did this!  Also, for the first time in close to 2 weeks, I slept for SEVEN hours w/out coughing!  YES!  I'm super excited cause this should mean my workouts will start to feel normal!   I coughed much less today during this workout and felt pretty good.  Sadly, there's no pull up bar where I am, so I did have to skip those exercises :(.  I'm getting ready to do Ab Ripper as I type...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 62 & DAY 63

DAY 62:  Rest, glorious rest

DAY 63:  Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

I don't even know how to comment on today's workout.  I'm not sure if I got more of an ab workout from coughing a lung up during the main workout or during Ab Ripper.  This cough is killing me.  The worst part is I don't FEEL badly, I just can't stop coughing.  So, I feel like I should be able to get a good workout in, but as soon as I get my heart rate up, I erupt into coughing fits.  It sucks.  I think I had an ok shoulder & tri workout, but the push ups weren't up to par.  I tried to just focus on quality over quantity.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 61

DAY 61:  Kenpo X

So, I made it about 27 minutes in before puking.   Lovely.  I really wanted to finish and was debating whether or not I'd spew again if I did...I decided to take a chance and keep going.  I got to minute 33 before I could feel the bile rising and called it quits.  I'm not a pretty puker-it comes out mouth and nose and I really didn't want to taste burgers and zucchini chips for the third time today, so I called it quits.  I hate that I didn't finish it, but I'm hoping with the rest day tomorrow maybe my body will finally kick this coughing thing and I'll be back on track.  (Sorry for the gross details)

Monday, March 2, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 60

DAY 60:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

2/3's of the way done!  Woot woot!  I'm still feeling under the weather, but pushed play anyway.  I think I actually did a pretty nice job on the pull ups tonight and did ok on the legs, too.  I didn't do Ab Ripper yet; I'll either do it as I watch The Bachelor finale or maybe first thing in the am (my night time cold/cough meds are starting to kick in...).  I used to HATE this workout, but now I don't dread it (well, any more than I dread any work out...).  

Saturday, February 28, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 59

DAY 59:  Arms & Shoulders, Ab Ripper X

When I woke up this morning, I was sure I wasn't going to be physically able to work out today.  I was fretting and trying to decide what I would do:  would I fast forward to tomorrow and do today's workout, just skip my workout and continue as if I'd done it, quit altogether....

As it turns out, I felt marginally better as the day went on and I was able to get it in!  I did not use very high weights (7.5-12 lbs for everything), but I did it!  I even made it through all of ab ripper, though I was tempted to count my incessant hacking up a lung as abs...

Friday, February 27, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 58

DAY 58:  Plyometrics

This was rough.  I'm still feeling like something's sitting on my chest & was NOT looking forward to this workout.  I put it off til late evening, then finally pushed play.  It was tough.  My legs were sore...I'm not sure if it's from the recovery week or just general yuckiness from being sick?  Either way, it's over and I think I did an ok job, considering the more day closer to 90!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 56 & DAY 57


DAY 57:  Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

Ugh, I feel like poop.  I've been coughing for 3 days straight and my entire core is sore from it.  If I wasn't at Day 57, there's not a chance I would have worked out today (I always follow the *rule* to work out if symptoms are above the neck, and rest if they're below), BUT, there's no way I was *quitting* now, so...

Obviously not my best workout, but I do feel pretty good about it, considering the circumstances.  I've yet to do Ab Ripper; I'll get to it before I go to bed.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 55

DAY 55:  Core Synergistics

This may be my second favorite work out.  I really like this one.  It felt good tonight; I even did everything the *hard* way (though I did NOT do the bonus round).  The only thing I need to remember to do next time is up my weights on the 3 exercises that use them.  

Looking forward to tomorrow....REST!  

TAKE 2: DAY 52, DAY 53, DAY 54

DAY 52:  Kenpo X

I really have nothing more to add about this workout; I still like it.

DAY 53:  Stretch X

If I wasn't such a stickler for the whole 90 day follow the program thing, I would prob not do this workout.  It's 58 minutes of....stretching.  Pretty boring, but I'm actually kind of glad I have to do it because I never stretch.

DAY 54:  Yoga, again

I did the moving poses (first 50 minutes), but didn't finish the balance postures and Yoga Belly X because my back was hurting a bit, so I decided not to push it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 49, DAY 50, DAY 51

DAY 49:  Rest

I heart Wednesdays!

DAY 50:  Yoga X

I'm not a big fan of Yoga on weekdays...and during the *Recovery Week*, Yoga falls on Thursday AND Monday for me...ugh.  I wisely did the *hard* part (the moving poses, the first 50 min) in the morning before work, so when I came home all I had to do was the *easy* part.  I'm still doing a push up between plank and downward dog every time, so that's good!  Yoga Belly 7 burned today!

DAY 51:  Core Synergistics

I like this workout.  It's tough, but doable AND you don't repeat anything, my favorite!  I only went down to chataranga from plank run 1 time and stayed in plank the rest of the time.  I feel like I did well on the push ups, but I probably could have upped my weight a little on the combo moves.  It's over, it's Friday, and that's all that matters!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 48

DAY 48:  Kenpo X

I got nothin' new to add about this one; I don't hate it.  I'm still really liking this workout; it's still my favorite.  I wonder how much of that has to do w/the fact I know when I'm doing it tomorrow is my day OFF?!

I should also add I've had NO lower back pain since I've been doing P90X for the second take, save after I spent those couple of days shoveling...

TAKE 2: DAY 44, DAY 45, DAY 46, & DAY 47

HOLY COW!  I did NOT quit, but apparently I've been a blogging slacker!!!  Let's get caught up...

DAY 44:  Plyometrics

This was a big turning point for me, as I was SICK, AND it was a Friday, AND I was already comfortably dressed in jeans, AND I didn't work out in the morning, AND I still DID IT!  After a long boring day of in-service, I talked a co-worker into the starting the work out w/me and I banged it out.  It was nice having someone else do part of it w/me, both to help pass the time AND as a gauge to sort of measure my progress; this is DEF getting easier, guess that means it's time for a *recovery* week to make it hurt again!

DAY 45:  Biceps & Back; Ab Ripper X

HALF WAY DONE!!!!  Woot woot!  And I felt like crap AND we got a call letting us know our ride for the day was picking us up a half an hour earlier than they'd said the night before, the the chips were all pointing towards missing this workout, but I pushed play anyway!  As always, the pull ups kinda sucked, but I think I did ok, considering the circumstances, w/my bicep stuff.  However, I did forget to get back to Ab Ripper once we got home and I'm NOT happy about it....

DAY 46:  Yoga X
Still feeling crappy & still not feeling like working out, but I did (most of) it, anyway.  I did ALL of the *hard part* (the first 5o minutes) and the first of the more difficult balance poses before I quit.  I just didn't feel like doing all of the stretches; I know, that's the easy part, but that's also the part I felt least guilty about missing.  I was beating myself up, but then I realized at least I did most of it!  Usually, feeling like I did, I wouldn't have worked out at all, so that's progress!

DAY 47:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

My husband did this work out w/me, and that always makes it more entertaining!  The leg exercises are actually feeling a little easier, which, again, tells me it's almost recovery week so it starts sucking again!  I'm not even talking about pull ups anymore, but I am thinking of getting some bands and seeing how they work...

Ab Ripper burned, as always!  

Thursday, February 12, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 41, DAY 42, & DAY 43

DAY 41:  Kenpo X

I didn't realize I hadn't blogged about this yet until I logged on this morning.  I'm still loving this workout!  Not much else to say about it...

DAY 42:  Rest!

It was my rest day, but I did play about an hour or two of 2 man volleyball (against middle schoolers, but still, it was a lot of moving!).

DAY 43:  Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

For the first time in a couple of weeks, I completed my workout in the morning and I'm loving it!  It's barely 6 AM and I'm done for the day; there's no better way to start the day!  I need to get back on track and start banging these workouts out in the morning on a regular basis.  This workout was a little easy, but it's still one of the toughest yet!  I still can't get the Side Tri Rise...I don't know if my form isn't right or if I'm just that weak...  I did a little better on the push ups, though, and I remembered what weights I wanted to use for each of the tricep/shoulder exercises.  The halfway point is fast approaching!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 39 & DAY 40


Yoga was nice today because I did it with my mom.  It was nice for a few reasons:
*A-it's always nice to spend time w/my mom,
*B-it's always nice to workout (ie share pain/misery) w/someone, and
*C-it was nice to see/hear from someone else (who is in amazing shape...she runs ~30 miles per week + swims 2 miles per week + lifts twice per week...she exercises at least 360 days of the year...AND she just ran a marathon at age 50!!!) how difficult this is!
So, Yoga didn't suck as bad yesterday and I did it all in one shot.

DAY 40:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

So, I had a crappy day.  I suffer from dysmenorrhea and was miserable today.  To top it off, I sort of "OD-ed" on OTC pain relievers and was in an annoying fog the rest of the day.  Working out was NOT something I wanted to do, but it never even crossed my mind NOT to.  For real!  That's awesome and that's def one of the best things about this are committed for 90 days!  Who wants to make it 39 days and then fail?!  Not me!!

I had a good leg workout, but, surprise surprise, not so much w/the pull ups. I have got to start focusing on them.  I may get some bands and see if that helps at all...

Going to push play right now to get through Ab Ripper X and then off to bed... 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 38

DAY 38:  Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

This work out was just ok for me today.  My forearms and hands are really sore (I did a lot of cake decorating last night, and, believe it or not, all of the squeezing works random muscles I don't usually use, apparently...quit laughing), so I just wasn't feeling the pull ups (and my hands/forearms were even aching during some of the bicep exercises).

I used higher weights (I think, again, I'm not using the worksheets) for the bicep exercises, so that was a good thing.  My pull ups sucked though.  I did such a great job focusing on them on Friday during Back & Legs, I thought I'd feel they were easier today...not so much.

I have another baby shower that I'm nearly late for (procrastinate much?!), that Ab Ripper will have to wait until this evening some time.

Friday, February 6, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 35, DAY 36, and DAY 37

DAY 35:  REST!
  Woot woot!  I love this day!  And, I really love that it falls in the middle of the week; I look forward to Wednesdays now!

DAY 36:  Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
This is a bad-ass workout.  I thought it was hard the first time (last week) because it was new to me and I didn't know what to expect.  Nope, it's just plain hard.  I still haven't determined exactly what weights to use for the shoulders/tris (I'm not using worksheets...shhh, don't tell Tony!), so I think I was a little off on them.  I can barely do some of the push ups.  On the 4 count down and up ones, I can make the wide and regular width on my toes, and then it's to my knees for military.  One arm are killer; I think I got a whopping 5 on one arm and 3 on the other, on my KNEES!!!  I did manage 5 on my toes w/a clap and then 5 on my knees w/a clap.  That's all I can remember.  Ab Ripper is still burning!

DAY 37:  Plyometrics
I made the mistake of having a Friday Happy Hour drink pre-workout...not my brightest idea.  J-Bomb taste in your mouth is not pleasant during this work out (and I was extra dry, as well).  Even so, I'm really starting to enjoy this workout!  Crazy, I know.  I still don't like the Rock Star hops (weird, since I like to fancy myself a rock star) and I'm still only doing 15 sec per leg on the Cross things at the end, but I like it!  (Next week, no Happy Hour first, though; I'll do it in the morning before work, I swear!)  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 33 & DAY 34

DAY 33:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper

I'm actually starting to like this work out.  I decided to really focus on the pull ups today because I don't feel like I'm seeing improvement there.  I'm happy to say my lats are pretty sore!  The leg exercises are getting easier, too (though *easier* should def not be equated w/*easy*...).  I was able to do all of the Ab Ripper exercises w/out any low back pain, so that's a good thing!

DAY 34:  Kenpo

Still my favorite workout, no complaints here!  I have found that I'm wicked thirsty during this workout, though (and I always forget until I'm mid workout so I always waste part of a break running in place in front of the water dispenser on the frig filling my glass).

Sunday, February 1, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 32

DAY 32:  Yoga

I know this will be shocking, but I procrastinated and only had time to do the *hard* part (the first 50 minutes) before heading to a pre-Super Bowl party.  I told myself I'd finish when I got home and (though I thought this was a pipe dream) and I actually did!!

I added a push up between plank and downward dog throughout all of the moving poses and *tried* to go a little deeper in the Warrior-type poses.  I was def feeling this, today!  The balance poses and Yoga Belly X were super simple after the nice long break in between.  

Even though this is annoyingly long, it's good stuff!  

TAKE 2: DAY 31

DAY 31:  Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper

I'm not going to lie, this was not my best effort.  As usual, I procrastinated until I had barely any time left before I needed to be at a baby shower, so I was moving pretty quickly through this workout.  This is the last (I think) of the *new* workouts for me and I found I really like the set up of this workout, as it is another one with no repeats!  Woot woot!  The bicep exercises are great (though I still hate crouching congdon curls for some reason, not sure why, but I don't like them) and I'm still not a fan of pull ups (and I don't feel like I'm seeing much improvement there, either).

I did Ab Ripper first and it as nice to have it out of the way...I was able to do ALL of the exercises w/out any lower back pain, so that's nice to know.  

Friday, January 30, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 30

DAY 30:  Ply OH metrics

Let me just say this program apparently does what it's supposed to!  At the end of week 3, the workouts were feeling, while not exactly *easy*, much more doable.  After last week's *recovery* week, these week 4 workouts are killer!  Yesterday's workout was a brand new one, so I couldn't judge based on it, but Ab Ripper last night was the hardest I've ever had it feel!  I was burning-my abs were on fire (yet I'm strangely not sore yet this am).  

Plyo today was just like I was doing it for the first time!  Good stuff!  I really enjoy this workout, as it's what I'm used to considering a workout...kick your butt & drenched in sweat!  I'm also loving that I don't have to do Ab Ripper today.  Not looking forward to Back & Biceps tomorrow because I have a feeling a billion pull ups are headed my way (and I'm sure they'll be just as difficult as they were Day 1...).  

Oh, how could I marks the 1/3 mark of the program!  Woot woot!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 28 & DAY 29

DAY 28:  Rest, glorious rest

Today was a rest day, as well as a SNOW DAY!  Yeah! I intended to take full advantage of the rest day, but I did end up getting more exercise in than I'd bargained for!  My husband and I played some Wii Tennis in the morning, which I thought would be the extent of my *physical activity*...until we got our FJ stuck in the snow.  Yep, spent a decent amount of time (though not nearly to the extent of my amazing husband) attempting to push the FJ out and trudging through the snow back to the main road.  Not what I had in mind for a rest/snow day ;)!

DAY 29:  Chest, triceps, and shoulders

So, I'm just going to be blunt...this workout SUCKS!  Not my best effort today, I must admit; I'm not sure if it's because I'm tired/a little sore from yesterday's FJ debacle or just because I didn't *know* this workout.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect, whether I'd be repeating exercises and needed to save a little or if they were one and done.  They were (thankfully!) one and done.  I do like the set up of the workout (push up exercise, shoulder exercise, tri exercise), but it is def one of the more difficult ones.  I could barely do a couple of the exercises (I'm not sure why I have such a hard time w/the lying down side tricep push ups).  If there was ever a workout I was waiting to hear "Bonus Round" so I could quit, it was this one.  There is so bonus just have to keep going.  I'm glad I got this over with and I'm sure it won't be so bad next week!  I'll do Ab Ripper this evening (or maybe even when I'm done here!).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 27


So, today's the day I finally gave in and was a big fat slacker...I only did part of the Yoga workout.  The worst part of it is; it was actually feeling good and I was doing well (even adding the push up between plank and downward dog), but I just didn't feel like continuing.  My sides are chaffed, my wrist hurts, it's late, and I just gave in to all the excuses and decided to stop.  Maybe I'll feel like finishing the rest tomorrow (does that still count if I do?!)...

Though, I did *play* a lot of volleyball today helping the kids get their required number of legal hits to begin game play, so I'm counting a little of that, too...

Monday, January 26, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 26

DAY 26:  Core Synergistics

After a rock star like weekend, I was sooooo tired this morning.  I didn't even delude myself into thinking I'd do this before work...and I was really regretting that decision this evening!  It was almost 7PM before I finally pushed play...and was pleasantly surprised!

This was a pretty good workout, considering how tired I was!  I did wuss out on a couple of things (like Plank-Cha Turanga Run...I stayed in Plank), but other than that I think I did pretty well.  I did not do the bonus round, though.  

All in all, I really like this workout (though, it was really nice doing it WITH someone last week, instead of solo).

TAKE 2-DAYS 24 & 25

DAY 24: Kenpo X

Even though I'd been up way later than I prefer to be, I still woke up early to get this workout in before our weekend guests awoke and we went on our way. I still really like this workout. I like the way it's set up; I like that it's fast paced; I like that it *hurts*, but that it's still doable.

DAY 25: Stretch X

At the end of a rock star weekend, I was NOT looking forward to working out (hmmm, why do I feel like I'm always typing that?). Thankfully, this workout is crazy easy. It's just....stretching (hence the name, I guess). I'm glad this isn't in the regular rotation because it's really really boring. It's 58 minutes of stretching, but it was the workout of the day, so I did it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 23


I'm officially 1/4 of the way through the program...woot woot!  I forgot how hard this workout is!!!  Thankfully, I did it w/a colleague and that gave me the motivation to do it well, otherwise, I may have been stopping short on some of these!  It was so nice having someone to do the workout with AND we even did the bonus exercises!

Form is uber important on this one for me to prevent low back strain.  I really actually like the push ups in this one because they're not boring old traditional push ups.  Another thing I liked about this workout was no exercises are repeated; I'm a big fan of being done w/a move when it's over.  The only downfall to my workout today was I didn't have the right weights.  I only had 10's and they were too heavy for some of the moves, so I'd do as many as I could w/them and then finish w/out.  

Off to do Kenpo X!

Friday, January 23, 2009

TAKE 2: DAYS 20, 21, & 22

(I wrote a post yesterday on Days 20-21, but it wouldn't post and then it disappeared...)

DAY 20:  Kenpo X

This could be my favorite P90X workout!  I really like how fast paced it is; it seems it's almost over before I even realize it.  I must admit, there is one move I still can't do...Star Blocks.  I'm just not very coordinated...I need to practice it on a day I'm not doing it, but I never remember I can't do it until I'm doing the workout.  I even waited until after work to do this and it still didn't suck!


Rest, glorious rest!  I take back what I said above-THIS is my favorite P90X day ;)!  It's not so much the not working out part I like about this day as the not having the commitment to workout!

DAY 22:  Yoga X

This is the start of Week 4, which is a *recovery* week, so it's a different line up of workouts.  The thing I'm least looking forward to about this week is TWO weekday Yoga workouts!  At least I have one of them done and out of the way now.  I must admit, this was the best the Yoga workout has ever felt for me.  I feel I'm getting deeper in my poses and I'm able to hold them all (except Twisting Half Moon...I'm already on my way back to Runner's Pose because I forget about it and then I have to rush to get in it).  I still wish this wasn't 92 minutes long, though...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 19

DAY 19:  Legs & Back, Ab Ripper

I'm still loving that nothing is repeated in this workout...well, except for the pull ups.  These leg exercises are KILLER and I'm always so glad that when I'm done w/one, I'm least until the next time.  I even added weight this time to the exercises for which Tony encourages them.

I'm not feeling the pull ups.  They don't seem to get any easier and I can still only do ONE before using the cheater chair.  I'm not a big fan of things I'm not instantly able to do well...

Once again, I'm pretty proud of myself because I made myself do Ab Ripper at 9:30 when all I really wanted to do was go to bed...but, I did it!

It's almost time to get ready for work and I haven't done Kenpo X yet, so I guess that will have to wait until after work...

Monday, January 19, 2009

TAKE 2: DAYS 17 & 18

Day 17:  Arms & Shoulders, Ab Ripper:

Today was a good workout!  I finally did justice to this workout; I took my time and upped to the weights to where I was struggling to complete 15 (or 16) reps.  My triceps and delts are sore (though I seem to have a hard time getting my biceps sore...not sure why, but this has been the way I've been for as long as I can remember) and my abs were sore from Ab Ripper before the day ended: good stuff!  

Day 18:   Yoga:

Once again, I'm so glad this workout now falls on a Sunday for me, otherwise, I don't know how I'd ever fit it in!!  92 minutes is a looooong time!  This workout felt better today, too.  I did the 50 minutes of moving poses, then stopped (as my husband arrived home with dinner) and finished to balance postures and Yoga Belly 7 after I ate.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

Take 2: DAY 16


BIG shout out to me for doing Plyo on a FRIDAY, after school!  I was counting my proverbial chickens before they hatched and counting on a 2 hour delay today, so I procrastinated and did NOT do it this morning (I watched Gray's Anatomy instead :) ).  I had a looooong day (my colleague with whom I'm co-teaching just became a father so I was pulling double duty today) and was not in the mood to workout when I got home (plus, my husband tried to talk me into having a beer with him).  However, I did it!!

The hardest part of this workout was pushing play.  Once I got started, it was great.  I'm actually starting to feel a difference in the exercises; they're becoming easier and I (think) I have better form.  Good stuff!  And now I'm off to start my weekend...

PS  I guess I should add I'm still a big fat cheaterhead and am only doing 15 sec each leg on the Hot Cross move....

Take 2: DAY 14 & DAY 15


Glorious, glorious rest!  It was fabulous to wake up and not have to work out (and know that I didn't have to come home and work out because I'd procrastinated in the morning).  Once again, I considered doing another workout, but instead decided to enjoy my day of rest.  I'm always preaching to others the importance of a day of rest to allow your body to recover, but sometimes I have a hard time practicing what I preach...


I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before so, even though I was blessed with a 2 hour delay, I didn't do this workout until after school (and after I'd baked a triple layer checkerboard cake and a batch of zebra cupcakes).  My push ups actually felt stronger today and I did at least 25 of normal width and wide width and 20 of military and decline.  I was only able to get 5 good diamond and under the fence.  Pull ups were terrible...I could BARELY (and in some cases not even) get 1 before resorting to the cheater chair.  

Ab Ripper was great; I even did the bonus mason twists!

And, since I'm sitting here typing and have yet to get my 2 hour delay phone call, I guess plyo will have to wait until after work...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Take 2: DAY 13


Even though I procrastinated and did not complete this work out this morning before work (I was a little sore and I lot tired from all of yesterday's activities), this was still a great workout!  I finally pushed play after the weather on the 5:00 news (I'm hoping for a cold delay for school tomorrow :) ) and the workout flew by.  It seemed there were only 14 minutes left before I even knew it.  This is a fairly intense workout (I mean, when your BREAKS are jogging, jump roping, jumping jacks, and X jumps you know it's non-stop!), but just when I think I can't punch (or kick, or block) anymore, a *break* comes and we move on.  I must say though, I AM very much looking forward to my day off tomorrow (though I plan to do aerobics w/the crowd at work after school tomorrow for a bonus workout...hope I'm not regretting that on Thursday!)!!!  Maybe next Kenpo day I'll actually remember to wear my HR monitor...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Take 2: DAY 12

Legs & Back; Ab Ripper X:

I did NOT want to do today's workout!  My husband and I enjoyed a leisurely morning in the hot tub and the last thing I wanted to do was Legs & Chest (esp knowing we were cross country skiing later in the day).  However, I hate quitting, so I did it.  This workout is never as bad as I think it's going to be.  As hard as the leg exercises are, I kind of like them!  AND, I LOVE that you do not repeat any of the leg exercises (though you do do 15-30 reps of each at a clip)!  I did NOT add any weights today and the pull ups were not my best effort, I admit...

My back is still annoying sore from shoveling, but I'm popping anti-inflammatories AND using Icy Hot medicated pads, so relief should be in sight.  My husband and I just returned from a 3 mile cross country ski (my first real time skiing) so combine that w/today's P90X workout and I am not looking forward to how I'm going to feel when I wake up tomorrow...

I have not yet done Ab Ripper X today, but I plan to do it after dinner!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Take 2: DAY 11


I'm not going to lie to you:
A.  This SUCKED, and
B.  I did not give the best effort...

I was crazy sore and tired from all of my extra-P90X activity yesterday (cross country skiing and shoveling) and this was just flat out hard.  I made it a little over 30 minutes and then I stopped.  HOWEVER, I did come back to it and finished the remaining hour a little later in the evening.  While I'm glad I did it; I still know it wasn't my best effort and I hate that.  That being said, I don't know how much more I had to give!  My lower back is very sore from shoveling and I don't want to push it to the point where I have to stop again...

Bottom line:  I DID IT!  

Take 2: DAY 10


I am very proud of myself for completing todays workouts.  My husband and I woke up early to travel to pick up our cross country skis and then went cross country skiing (my first time).  I didn't last very long (apparently ice underneath the snow doesn't make for prime conditions), but did get in a solid 25 minutes of some semblance of cross country skiing...and it's def all the workout it's hyped to be!  

We got home from skiing and the last thing I wanted to do was P90X, but I was not going to type that I missed a day, so I pushed play and took off.  Luckily, I think this is one of the *easier* workouts (though my shoulders were already on fire from my attempts to ski).  I made it through, though, after the first round, I prob didn't use the weights I should have; I'll have to up them next time.

Ab Ripper went well; I replaced the 2 that hurt w/ab exercises of my own and even did the bonus round.  

Finished working out and headed back out into the frozen tundra to shovel.  NOT looking forward to Yoga tomorrow (today)....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Take 2-DAY 9

(Before I get to today, I'd like to point out that I did manage to make myself do Ab Ripper X last night after I got home from my long day and ate dinner! I skipped the 2 that are hurting my back, but I didn't do fillers as I was cutting it close to the BCS "championship" kickoff...I did, however, do the BONUS!)

Today was the mother of all P90X workouts: Plyo! I did not wear my heart rate monitor, as it was in my car and I was too lazy (and it was too cold out) for me to go get it. Even w/out my heart rate monitor, I can safely say this was an excellent cardio workout as I was drenched in sweat! As much as I didn't feel like pushing play, this was a great workout for me today. I really pushed myself and felt good. I found it helps the workout go by for me if I count the sets (there are 5 sets and you do 2 reps of each exercise: 30 sec, 30 sec, 30 sec, 1 min...I counted 1...1.5....2....2.5, etc). I would have even done the bonus round (maybe) if I had had enough time.

My back and abs were sore today, but my chest not as much, letting me know I need to go deeper/further w/my push ups next week. I also have a slight twinge in my lower back, but I'm fairly certain it's a result of shoveling ice on Wed and sitting in a metal folding chair for 3 hours scoring a swim meet yesterday, NOT the program.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

P90X-Take 2: Days 1-8

Days 1-8 are complete and it hasn't been bad! I started the program on a Thursday and I like the timing of my new schedule a little better. My day off falls on Wednesday, which is a nice mid week break and Yoga falls on Sunday, which makes it much easier to fit in the 90 minute marathon!

It's amazing how much strength & flexibility I've lost since my last go round! I could barely do 1 pull up on SOME of the varieties, where as I ended being able to do TWO of each before adding the cheater chair last time.

A quick recap, day by day:

Day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper:
This was tough. It was very evident I'd lost strength, both in the push ups AND the pull ups. I'd forgotten just how difficult the Diamond Push Ups and the Under the Fence (I forget their real name) Push Ups are! I found there were 2 exercises in Ab Ripper where I felt strain in my lower back (Wide Leg Cross Leg and Roll Up V-Up) so I did NOT do them (but did add another ab exercise of my own in their places). I also forgot how much I hate the opening 4 exercises; they kill my hip flexors!

Day 2: Plyometrics:
Sore already; I love this feeling! Plyo wasn't bad because I found I didn't remember all of the exercises, so I didn't know when the end was near.

Day 3: Arms & Shoulders, Ab Ripper:
Still the easiest day, in my book, but did have cramping in my hands/fingers again. I still also find myself slacking a little because I'm too lazy to take the Selectorize dumbells back to their base to switch weight (hey, look at the title "admittedly lazy..."). Ab Ripper was burning!

Day 4: Yoga:
This is tough! I really need to keep my core tight and watch my form, as I do tend to feel a little tugging in my lower back on some of these moves. The opening 45 minutes is tough and then it gets a little easier. I am glad this now falls on a Sunday!

Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper:
Ugh, legs and pull ups, what a crappy combo! The legs weren't as bad as I thought (but I also didn't add any extra weights, next week!), but I still hate pull ups! I even did ALL of the calf exercises! My husband and I did Ab Ripper together, so I got a bonus ab workout from laughing so hard!

Day 6: Kenpo X:
I don't mind this one, other the yoga positions warm up. Just when I'm ready to quit, we move onto blocks and they're a little easier for me the the rest of the stuff, so it's good timing.

Day 7: REST :)
Sadly, this fell on a SNOW DAY, so while it was nice to rest, it would have been an easy day for me to fit a work out in (I did shovel ice though, so that counts for something). I almost did some other workout, but decided there's a planned rest day for a reason, and I was very tired so my body must be telling me something.

Day 8: Back to Chest & Back, Ab Ripper:
As much as I just wanted to sleep on the couch or watch Top Chef, I made myself do this this morning and I'm so glad I did! I already feel stronger. My pull ups feel better, as did the push ups. I'm already sore (just 5 hours later) which is a good sign! I'll do Ab Ripper when I get home tonight before watching the BCS title, oops, I mean championship, sorry Utes, game!

P90X-Take 2

So, apparently once you hit 30 it's not so easy to maintain a 20-something body...especially when you eat and drink like a 17 year old boy-who knew? I've decided to give P90X another go, including blogging about my experience.

I'm a little late to the game is starting the blog because....well, honestly because I wasn't sure I'd stick w/it! I'm already on Day 8, so my second-first post will be a recap of Days 1-8. Last time I attempted P90X I hurt my back during the very first day (because I am an idiot. No really, I am. I had the chair set BEHIND me during pull ups, so I was hyperextending each rep. The worst part was, I didn't even realize it throughout the whole workout, until I watched my husband do his and noticed the girl on the DVD!) and while I made it almost 3 weeks, I was in a considerable amount of pain and knew I needed to give it some rest. I still continued to work out (an assortment of running, Wii Fit, walking, lifting, Tae Bo, etc), but no P90X.

Fat (that WAS a typo, but it's pretty fitting, so I'll leave it) forward to now and I am S-O-F-T soft. Gross. I am the fattest I've ever been in my whole life. I don't use scales, so I can't give you a number, but I've seen pics and it ain't pretty...even my face is fat! So, I decided it's time to give P90X another go (w/the cheater chair correctly placed, this time...) because this is not the me I want to be (and last time I lost a couple of inches in just the first 2 weeks!)...