Monday, January 26, 2009

TAKE 2-DAYS 24 & 25

DAY 24: Kenpo X

Even though I'd been up way later than I prefer to be, I still woke up early to get this workout in before our weekend guests awoke and we went on our way. I still really like this workout. I like the way it's set up; I like that it's fast paced; I like that it *hurts*, but that it's still doable.

DAY 25: Stretch X

At the end of a rock star weekend, I was NOT looking forward to working out (hmmm, why do I feel like I'm always typing that?). Thankfully, this workout is crazy easy. It's just....stretching (hence the name, I guess). I'm glad this isn't in the regular rotation because it's really really boring. It's 58 minutes of stretching, but it was the workout of the day, so I did it.

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