Friday, February 20, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 49, DAY 50, DAY 51

DAY 49:  Rest

I heart Wednesdays!

DAY 50:  Yoga X

I'm not a big fan of Yoga on weekdays...and during the *Recovery Week*, Yoga falls on Thursday AND Monday for me...ugh.  I wisely did the *hard* part (the moving poses, the first 50 min) in the morning before work, so when I came home all I had to do was the *easy* part.  I'm still doing a push up between plank and downward dog every time, so that's good!  Yoga Belly 7 burned today!

DAY 51:  Core Synergistics

I like this workout.  It's tough, but doable AND you don't repeat anything, my favorite!  I only went down to chataranga from plank run 1 time and stayed in plank the rest of the time.  I feel like I did well on the push ups, but I probably could have upped my weight a little on the combo moves.  It's over, it's Friday, and that's all that matters!

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