Friday, February 6, 2009

TAKE 2: DAY 35, DAY 36, and DAY 37

DAY 35:  REST!
  Woot woot!  I love this day!  And, I really love that it falls in the middle of the week; I look forward to Wednesdays now!

DAY 36:  Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
This is a bad-ass workout.  I thought it was hard the first time (last week) because it was new to me and I didn't know what to expect.  Nope, it's just plain hard.  I still haven't determined exactly what weights to use for the shoulders/tris (I'm not using worksheets...shhh, don't tell Tony!), so I think I was a little off on them.  I can barely do some of the push ups.  On the 4 count down and up ones, I can make the wide and regular width on my toes, and then it's to my knees for military.  One arm are killer; I think I got a whopping 5 on one arm and 3 on the other, on my KNEES!!!  I did manage 5 on my toes w/a clap and then 5 on my knees w/a clap.  That's all I can remember.  Ab Ripper is still burning!

DAY 37:  Plyometrics
I made the mistake of having a Friday Happy Hour drink pre-workout...not my brightest idea.  J-Bomb taste in your mouth is not pleasant during this work out (and I was extra dry, as well).  Even so, I'm really starting to enjoy this workout!  Crazy, I know.  I still don't like the Rock Star hops (weird, since I like to fancy myself a rock star) and I'm still only doing 15 sec per leg on the Cross things at the end, but I like it!  (Next week, no Happy Hour first, though; I'll do it in the morning before work, I swear!)  


Lissaloo said...

That's a great reason to look forward to Wednesday!

Aquachick said...

Is it ever!!! I never thought I would love Wednesdays soooo much!