Sunday, January 11, 2009

Take 2: DAY 11


I'm not going to lie to you:
A.  This SUCKED, and
B.  I did not give the best effort...

I was crazy sore and tired from all of my extra-P90X activity yesterday (cross country skiing and shoveling) and this was just flat out hard.  I made it a little over 30 minutes and then I stopped.  HOWEVER, I did come back to it and finished the remaining hour a little later in the evening.  While I'm glad I did it; I still know it wasn't my best effort and I hate that.  That being said, I don't know how much more I had to give!  My lower back is very sore from shoveling and I don't want to push it to the point where I have to stop again...

Bottom line:  I DID IT!  


ChristineM said...

Yep! You did it - especially after your other activities, I think you did a great job following through!

I actually watched part of a P90X infomercial this weekend! I kept hovering between "I could do that!" and "This could kill me!" ;) But I haven't ruled it out yet...

Aquachick said...

THANKS, Christine! It's DEF worth it! Even if you don't decide to complete the whole 90 days, you still have all of the great DVD's w/all the workouts! Tony offers a variety of moves for all skill levels; I highly recommend it!